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I’m trained in Investigations….now what?

We have just completed another Certificate III in Investigative Services and as with our last Certificate III in Security (Bodyguard/Cash In Transit) group, we have had our largest class to date!


Now that we have a wonderful group of trained Investigators hitting the streets….they may ask….where can I put my new skills to use?


Rest assured…there is no lack of work for a good Investigator!  Within Perth, Australia and internationally, there are many different types of investigators who work in many different and specialised fields.  From Workers compensation claims to infidelity to child custody investigations to gambling and/or drug addictions, people will always need experts to gather information.


Being a Private Investigator you may be engaged to gather information and watch a subject for your client over a period of time which is known as Surveillance Investigations.  You will need to gather footage, make notes and compile the information for a report on what you have discovered.  There is much problem solving required as following people is not always easy!  You have to be ready to trail someone at a moments notice…..without being discovered!  Another form of investigations is known as Factual Investigations and they are involved in matters where legal proceedings have been instituted and they deal with liability or assessments.  These people may be involved in finding witnesses, taking statements, getting reports from witnesses, compiling timelines and generally assisting with the legal case.


Areas to consider include:


  • Small businesses who suspect fraud, foul play or theft, Workcover claims bought against them or have workplace bullying issues;
  • Solicitors, lawyers, financiers and insurers to help them gather information in regards to a civil case.
  • Banks, building societies, credit unions and finance companies who need information on the whereabouts and dealings of debtors.
  • Individuals who need help with harassment, infidelity issues, child support matters or issues related to drug, alcohol or gambling addictions.
  • Developers or Investors who are looking to invest large amounts of money into someone/something to ensure everything is running as smoothly as they are told

and more broadly…


  • Workers compensation Investigations, Fraud Investigations, Motor Vehicle Accident Investigations, Public Liability Investigations, Burglary and Third Party Investigations


We are so excited for their future and look forward to hearing back from our students on where their training and new positions have taken them!