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Now is the time!

Now is the perfect time to upskill!  Use the COVID19 lockdown to get your new qualifications started and on your way to getting your Investigators Licence or your Consultants Licence!


Enrol in our Certificate III in Investigative Services or Certificate IV in Security and Risk now and begin your online training. This will set you up for your face to face components once the restrictions are lifted. Look at the dates below for the training quarters and refer to the website for more information.


Certificate III in Investigative Services: Quarter 3 starts 7th September 2020 and Quarter 4 starts on 9th November 2020.


Certificate IV in Security and Risk Management: Quarter 3 starts 10th August 2020 and Quarter 4 starts on 12th October 2020


Don’t delay there are limited positions. Contact us for now or look up our website for more information.