CPPSEC3114 Control security risk situations using firearms
You will learn to assess and determine when to use a firearm in response to life threatening situations. This unit is required for employment within Cash in Transit operations. You will be trained and assessed for your ability to display:
- Use of Force of legislation
- Firearms safety
- Maintenance and serviceability of firearms
- Draw firearms
- Discharge of firearm (24 round assessment conducted)
- Evaluation of firearm use and application
CPPSEC3114 Control security risk situations using firearms is an elective unit which is part of CPP31318 Certificate III in Security Operations. As a new student you will need to complete Certificate III in Security Operations (Cash in transit) units which includes this unit to qualify for endorsement of your security guard licence to operate with a firearm. Please refer to the link below which will take you to the Certificate III in Security Operations qualification requirements.
Please see course information and enrolment details for CPP31318 Certificate III in Security Operations:
Firearms Requalification
Students will be required to attend for two days consisting of one day theory and one day of range time per firearm. A total of 4 days will be required if doing both firearms.
- Using your personal firearm equipment – $200.00 per firearm
- Using Strike firearm equipment – $250.00 per firearm
CPPSEC3110 Control persons using baton
You will be taught by experts to present a baton confidently in a conflict situation, to use the baton to defend yourself and others, and to direct a person within the requirements of the law. You will be required to display your ability to:
- Present a baton,
- Direct persons
- Apply defensive strikes
- Review use of baton
CPPSEC3111 Restrain persons using handcuffs
During this unit you will be asked to assess the necessity of using handcuffs and the correct procedures for applying handcuffs safely and securely. You will be required to display your ability to:
- Present handcuffs
- Apply handcuffs
- Direct persons
- Evaluate response
Duration: one full day (Unit 2, 17 Brennan Way, Belmont)
Pre-requisites: Certificate II in Security Operations. Security guard licence will be required to be endorsed by WAPOL
CPPSEC3126 Defend persons using spray
Once enrolled you will learn how to determine when to use capsicum spray to respond to a threatening situation. This includes your ability to assess the current and potential risk within those circumstances. You will learn how to:
- Present the spray
- Discharge the spray
- Maintain the spray safety and
- Evaluate spray use
Duration: 6 hours (Unit 2, 17 Brennan Way, Belmont)
Pre-requisites: Certificate II in Security Operations. Security guard licence will be required to be endorsed by WAPOL