Tag Archives: security operations

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Our ex-Strike Training students on the job!

One of the reasons our security and crowd control training is so current and hits all criteria is that our Trainers are industry experts and have a wealth of experience. Our Trainers enjoy engaging in security work when not teaching at Strike as … a) It keeps their industry knowledge current and well informed; b) […]


Talk about resilience!   Our super student has earnt massive props from all of us.   Not letting a few difficulties get the better of him, he worked and studied and practiced. Then researched and pushed himself, then worked some more. “Never Give Up” attitude on full display.   Not everyone learns the same way. […]

The people you meet!

Our very own Jaye loved bumping into and working with one of our ex-Cert II students at the Perth Cocktail Festival on the weekend!   There are lots of opportunities available for switched on, hard working and qualified guards and crowd controllers.   Don’t wait – get started now on your new career!